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由國�(nèi)知名企業(yè)-貴州華加精細礦業(yè)有限公司全資投資新建的貴州華加精細礦�(yè)福泉有限公司,是2013年經(jīng)福泉市招商引資入駐福泉市�(jīng)濟開�(fā)區(qū)鳳山園區(qū)的企�(yè),兩個公司采用的是完全相同的,具有當今世界先進水平的加拿大和美國的超微細粉加工技術和設備,利用國�(nèi)豐富的天然硫酸鋇�重晶�)資源,嚴格按照國際�(zhì)量標準控制質(zhì)�,生產(chǎn)的“Barium sulfate”超微細天然硫酸鋇(高純�重晶�)粉�(chǎn)�,廣泛應用于粉末涂�(高光、平�、半�、啞�、消�)、型材、家用電�、磨擦材料(剎車片等)、陶瓷、耐火材料、面�、中涂漆、底�、乳膠漆和各種防腐油�、船舶油漆、汽車油�、道路油�、橡膠、塑�、油墨、紙張等廣大行業(yè)�

公司生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品主要規(guī)格有:W- 5HB,W-10HB,W-20HB,W-44HB和W-10,W-20,W-44,W-200,W-125�,細度從125目到2500�,�(chǎn)品包裝為25公斤的多層全木漿紙袋,用進口強力拉伸膜包裹在木托盤上(60��1500公斤)�48袋,1200公斤)上,美觀�(jié)實防止污��







SINO-CAN MICRONIZED PRODUCTS Co.,LTD wholly invested by SINO-CAN MICRONIZED PRODUCTS Co.,LTD, a well-known domestic enterprise, was established in Fengshan Park of Fuquan Economic Development Zone in 2013 by inviting investment from Fuquan City. The two companies use the same ultra-fine powder processing technology and equipment from Canada and the United States, which are at the advanced level in the world today.Using abundant natural sulfate (barite) resources in China, strictly in accordance with international quality standards and ISO9001:2008 quality system standards to control the quality, the production of "Barium sulfate" ultrafine natural Barium sulfate (high pure white barite) powder product,Wide wrist used in powder coating (highlights, flat, Semi-Gloss, matte, extinction), profile (brake pads, etc.), household appliances, friction material, ceramics, refractory material, paint, paint, primer, paint and various anti-corrosion paint, ship paint, automobile paint, road paint, rubber, plastic, ink, paper and other industries.



The main specifications of the products produced by the company are: W-5HB,W-10HB, W-20HB, W-44HB,W-10,W-20, W-44,W-200,W-125 and so on. The fineness ranges from 125 mesh to 2500 mesh. The packaging of the products is 25kg multi-layer paper bags of whole wood pulp. With imported strong stretch film wrapped on wooden pallets (60 bags, 1,500 kg)(48 bags, 1.200kg), beautiful and strong to prevent pollution.


After processing the raw ore of natural barium sulfate (barite) into ultra-fine natural barium sulfate (high pure white barite) powder products with advanced processing technology and equipment of the company, the packaged products are shipped in containers with barium sulfate content up to 95% and whiteness up to 93%. Average particle size (D50) 1.6μm, from the surface of the optical properties, adsorption power, covering power, flow performance has a great change, geometrically increase the specific surface area, the number of surface atoms, surface energy increased dramatically, has a good dispersion. Play the largest hiding power, completely beyond the natural barium sulfate (heavy stone ore) original excellent characteristics, has excellent chemical properties, insoluble in water and acid, non-magnetic, non-toxic, can absorb X-ray and gamma rays, Mohs hardness 3-3.5, specific gravity 4.0-4.6, become a functional excellent physical pigment and filler.


Companies operating in nearly three decades, the establishment of a stable and extensive sales set that have multiple factories and sales network at home and abroad, are welcome by widely famous products on the market, the products sell well in Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Western Europe and other regions, and the famous domestic coating is the main production group, and large areas in China, because of good quality, long-term stability, Excellent service has been praised by customers, is a well-known brand in China.


The company has obtained ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018 quality management system certification, occupational health and safety and environmental management system certification, and won the honorary title of "Double Excellent" Enterprise for foreign investment in China from 2002 to 2004 and Grade A Enterprise of Tax Paying Enterprise in Guizhou Province for many years.